Why do you need to focus on employee health?

It's no secret that your organization is only as healthy as your workforce.
According to the National Business Group on Health, the cost of health insurance borne by employers increases by roughly 5% each year. While it's easy to calculate the financial impact of employer-paid premiums on your bottom line, it's incredibly difficult to quantify the costs of absenteeism, the tendency of unhealthy employees to miss work with little or no notice, and presenteeism, the tendency of unhealthy employees to underperform while at work. These two phenomena can reduce productivity and morale across the entire company as co-workers and managers struggle to pick up the slack.
Chronic diseases, like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, are the main drivers of reduced productivity and rising health insurance costs. While employers have responded by investing in a variety of wellness initiatives designed to promote healthier habits, wellness program providers are often responsible for calculating and reporting the value of their own services. Employers, faced with a patchwork of solution providers, suffer from inconsistent, and potentially biased, information regarding the true value of their wellness spending.
Today's health and wellness paradigm presents two problems to proactive, health-conscious employers:
- 1: How do you correctly and accurately determine the impact of existing wellness programs?
- 2: How can you best understand the needs of your workforce?
How does biometric screening help control heathcare costs?

Synergy Wellness was created by experienced biometric screening professionals to solve these problems. We focus on providing the highest quality, and most consistent, screening system possible so that employees and employers alike can benefit from a clear, accurate, and unbiased understanding of their current health and the challenges they'll be facing in the future.
By taking a hard look at employee health, and reassessing the value of existing programs, employers can take steps to make the most of their health and wellness spending. Keeping your business healthy pays off by increasing productivity, lowering insurance premiums, and cutting down on workplace accidents.
Our clients represent a diverse blend of industries, including school districts, technology firms, retail chains, manufacturing companies, and insurance brokers. Together, we can develop invigorated, high-functioning teams by providing, and acting on, honest, precise health and wellness data.
Your employees have questions about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Your business has questions about how to best help them set and achieve health-related goals. Synergy Wellness is here to help.