Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should my organization host a wellness event?
A: Workplace wellness is an ongoing process. To understand the true value of your wellness spending, and to best promote healthy habits, we recommend holding screening events annually.
Q: How many nurses will you send to a wellness event?
A: Every company is different. We'll work with you to determine how to best screen your population. We'll make sure to minimize downtime and maximize participation.
Q: What does my company need to provide when hosting a wellness event?
A: We bring everything, including staff, supplies, and forms, with us and remove it all, including medical waste, upon completion of the clinic. We do require the site to provide adequate space, tables, chairs, wastebaskets, and access to electricity.
Q: Should employees fast before their screening?
A: Participants do not have to fast for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol testing. However, for accurate triglyceride and glucose screening results, patients should fast for at least 8 hours before the event. Because LDL is calculated using a formula that includes the triglyceride result, accurate LDL values also require fasting.
Q: How long does it take to screen one person, on average?
A: On average, a screening takes between 12 and 15 minutes from start to finish. We'll be able to provide a more specific estimate based on your specific screening package.
Q: How accurate are our results?
A: Our equipment has been certified by the Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network (CRMLN) to exceed the standards for accuracy and reproducibility developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the measurement of total and HDL cholesterol, consistent with National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) analytic goals.
Q: In general, how long does it take to receive the results from a health screening?
A: The results of a finger-stick screening are delivered within minutes of the test being performed. PSA and any venous blood draw results can take up to one week to reach the participant.
Q: What kind of information will be contained in the aggregate report?
A: Aggregate reports are customized to meet each organization's specific needs. A typical report will be broken down by age, gender, location, and the results of each test. We're happy to customize a sample report for you.
Q: My Company has multiple locations all over the nation. Can Synergy wellness provide worksite wellness solutions at all of our locations?
A: Yes. We'll work with you to make sure that all locations are screened in a timely manner.
Q: Can we invite spouses and dependents to take advantage of our worksite wellness programs?
A: Sure! We're happy to accommodate spouses and dependents as part of an employer-sponsored worksite wellness program.
Q: Many of our employees work offsite in field or home offices. Will they be able to participate as well?
A: Yes. We offer a voucher program for employees who work remotely, or who may be unable to participate on the day of the onsite screening for any reason. Please contact us for more details.
Q: Can you accommodate participants that want to go to their personal physician?
A: Absolutely. We'll provide a Physician Form that participants can take to their doctor. Their physician will fill out the form and submit it to us; we'll send the participant a customized report.
Q: I would like to know which of our employees have the highest health risks. Would Synergy wellness be able to tell me which employees present the greatest risk?
A: No. Our reporting services adhere to all HIPAA regulations and requirements. No protected health information can be released. We do provide robust aggregate reporting to help you understand the risks faced by your population as a whole.
Q: We would like to hold an onsite screening and onsite flu shot clinic at the same time. Is this possible?
A: Yes. We're happy to work with you to design a "combination" event to support multiple services and programs at the same time and location. We'll work with you to design a worksite wellness event tailored to meet the unique needs of your employee population.